Annual division meeting set for July 21

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Harrisburg Division will take place on July 21st at 10 a.m. The meeting will be held at Chairman Daniel Checkeye’s home. (Address will be provided when you RSVP.)

If you plan on attending, please RSVP to by Friday, July 20th, at 5 p.m.

Proposed agenda:

  • Call to Order: Approval of 2017 minutes
  • Chairman's report: Treasury report; status of procedures manual; Armorer's report
  • Division Club updates
  • Committee/Project opportunities
  • Open comment period
  • Proposed 2018/2019 competitions
  • Call for nominations/proposed slate of officers and subsequent voting on the slate

In accordance with the Division procedures, the Division is presenting the following slate of officers for the 2018/19 fencing year:

  • Chairman: Daniel Checkeye
  • Vice-Chair: Tim Stuhldreher
  • Treasurer: Richard Kirchoff
  • Secretary: Nickolys Hinton

If you would like to add an agenda item for discussion at the meeting, or if you have any questions, please email as needed.

Thank you for your support of the Division, and I hope to see you on July 21st.


Daniel Checkeye
USFA Harrisburg Division Chair


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